Enter forcefully, moving quickly from room to room, chasing them down if they flee, and waste no time.
I was taught, in high school in the late 60's, that women were only then entering forcefully into athletics for "the first time."
But if the President forcefully enters the Kashmir fray, he will find himself wandering within that 52-year-old morass, which has so defiantly resisted solutions.
It was reasoned that with the city burned to the ground, Japan would gain nothing even if it chose to forcefully enter it.
The U.S. forces returned fire and began to forcefully enter the buildings of the compound.
Ajemian then tried to forcefully enter a taping of Late Night but was caught and arrested.
He states that Britain has threatened to enter forcefully themselves O'Neill could not manage to gain control.
Multiple accounts say that they forcefully entered a Weatherman hide-out and hung Robert Roth out of the window by his ankles in a raid.
If the police knock and no one answers, Captain Marchica explained, they cannot forcefully enter the premises.
In most cases, law enforcement will identify themselves just before they forcefully enter the property.