Along with those responsibilities comes the role of chief promoter of Oklahoma's goods and services to foreign consumers.
But, in truth, if foreign consumers and investors suddenly bought another $300 billion from the United States, Americans companies could not handle it.
Industry executives are often puzzled why some products, like Coke, delight foreign consumers while others fail.
Now, retailers say, more and more foreign consumers are arriving in search of bargains.
Supplying home and foreign consumers on a commercial basis.
Such low Chinese currency rates are a spur to exports by making them cheaper for foreign consumers.
Both pretend, presumptuously, that foreign consumers would gobble up American goods if only their markets were open.
Those deposits could provide a low-cost source of funds for more lending to foreign consumers to buy cars, appliances and other goods, analysts said.
"But foreign consumers are more than eager to get a hold of quality American products."
Indeed, Canadians may be the biggest foreign consumers of American medicine.