These architects, most of whom are in their early 30's, have responded to architectural problems with formal inventiveness and yet with great respect for tradition.
These tiny carvings bristle with religious fervor, elaborate narratives and formal inventiveness.
And if its formal inventiveness sometimes feels icily detached, it is paradoxically balanced by the warmth of a single mind at work.
The building's formal inventiveness is consistent throughout.
One is Audubon, whose famous book, "Birds of America," has a formal inventiveness that has influenced generations of American artists.
Their formal inventiveness and imaginative brilliance is undeniable, the artist abandoning representational realism for personal and symbolic abstractions of imagery drawn from the agitated modernist city around him.
At the same time, they - the reliefs in particular - reveal gifts that the paintings obscure, especially that for formal inventiveness.
The bad news is that Ms. Levy's imagination, and often her prose, trail far behind her formal inventiveness.
Even now it is more than a little shocking to see it proposed by one of our age's most eminent architects, a man for whom formal inventiveness has been a calling card.
The combination of formal inventiveness and interpretive flexibility is what keeps this artist's work refreshing.