The films shined a light on aspects of Italian life that many found unsuitable to be portrayed.
"There are many Zalites who were found unsuitable for military service," he said.
Due to the damage to and danger at the rear of the aircraft, the air stairs built into the MD-88 were found unsuitable to use.
Specifically, egg products did not respond adequately to the thermostabilization process and were found unsuitable immediately after production.
About one-fifth of the force had to be replaced each year, partially because many recruits were found unsuitable.
Perinda, the club manager, introduced several lackluster candidates, whom the team found unsuitable.
The original script was found unsuitable by both Hitchcock and Universal.
It was found unsuitable for Army work and was struck off charge in August 1943.
It was found unsuitable for the same.
Bacon was screen-tested for the role and found unsuitable.