The most important printmaking organization in Mexico, the Taller de Grafica Popular, was founded in 1937 expressly to advance art as a vehicle of mass education and ideological persuasion.
The third edition was released in 2007 by a publishing house expressly founded by Galkovsky for this purpose.
The purchase was planned by Kenneth Norman Bell in order to provide accommodation for undergraduates and was funded by donations to the Balliol Society which he had founded expressly for this purpose.
Although not the first society to build such homes, the Association was the first to be founded expressly for this purpose.
In 1959, the All India Bahadur Shah Zafar Academy was founded expressly to spread awareness of his contribution to the first major anti-British movement in India.
In 1174, the charter for Juterbog in Brandenburg stressed the fact that this town was expressly founded in order to build up the region.
Port Royal had been founded almost a hundred years ago expressly to serve as the Chisholm Navy's primary base.
Newcomb College had been founded expressly to instruct young Southern women in liberal arts.
Our order was founded expressly for the care of the sick, you see, especially the impoverished sick.
The Freedom Center, founded by Tom A. Bernstein and Peter W. Kunhardt expressly for the trade center site, says it will focus on "humankind's enduring quest for freedom."