It too was suffering from the rare air; fragments of its body were falling off, propelled by the uncontrolled expansion of its gases.
And in every one of them was some fragment of Molly's body.
It was herself she was concerned for, Patience who could not bear to treat even this fragment of her father's body with disrespect.
The moment he imagined having a relic of her, he thought of what that would have entailed, taking some fragment of her body.
All the B.P.R.D. soldiers are killed and among the ruins lies the remaining fragments of Roger's body.
He looked beyond Harvey and Lulu, in time to see the last fragments of Hood's body disappear with a fading howl.
The people, despite the guards, carried off the halter, his clothes, and even fragments of his body and chips of the gallows.
All round fragments of a man's body blown to pieces.
She didn't try to make a proper grave, just a shallow pit to hold the fragments of Ansule's body.
Gunni would blame that on Kina because this was one of the places where a fragment of her dismembered body had fallen, or something such.