The pistol and magazine were torn apart and bullets and fragments pierced his abdomen.
A fragment of stone pierced the skin.
A fragment of black metal had ripped through his coat and pierced his left side.
After a bomb fell near the entrance to the tunnel, a fragment of it pierced Losey's heart, killing him.
An autopsy today indicated that the worker, Lee Sok Kyu, bled to death after four unidentified fragments pierced his chest.
A tiny fragment of alarm pierced through Data, not unlike an unexpected electrical shock.
A fragment of metal had pierced his thigh, ripping through flesh, shattering the bone.
A fragment struck the major in the back and pierced his lung.
With Milligan's assistance he placed a mortar shell so close to the tent farthest north that the fragments pierced its wall and caused the air to rush in.
The jagged fragment had torn through his uniform and pierced his shoulder, narrowly missing the bone.