We found fragments torn from a Klingon uniform in the debris where you forced entry into Czerny's lab.
If spiders lived in the Sea, what S'reee held might have been a fragment torn from one of their webs.
Weird tubers fly through the air in "Ecce Homo," accompanied by fragments torn from a mosaic - a rare touch of color that masquerades as collage.
She was no longer on the planet, but on a fragment torn from it in some way.
It appears to be a fragment torn from a larger sheet.
An image available on the internet of a fragment apparently torn from a job description shows Echelon listed along with several other code names.
It was shred of cloth, a fragment torn from a green silk dress.
He couldn't spare attention for what must be fragments torn from Destiny plants.
On these belts of rocky soil our difficulties were great, but here twice we were put on the right track by more fragments torn from the dress of Inez.
It looked like a fragment torn from a dress.