His four books and numerous essays on the 'Historia Augusta' firmly established the fraudulent nature of the work; he famously dubbed the anonymous author "a rogue grammarian".
Sometimes the jaw is slack, the mouth robbed of words, as though the dying person has suddenly discovered the fraudulent nature of the world.
Investigation of these cases, however, revealed invariably the purely fraudulent nature of all such offers, which were uniformly declined.
When news of the fraudulent nature of the GT200 devices became public in 2010, Pornthip defended the use of the devices, even if they were proven ineffective.
Various theories have been reported on how they were produced, distributed, and where pressure was applied to keep their fraudulent nature a secret.
So far, they show the fraudulent nature of his campaign rhetoric of compassionate conservatism.
His critics say that this rejection of normative church discipline proves the illegitimate and fraudulent nature of his revelations and religious order.
"Well, this is your opportunity to profit from my so-called fraudulent nature."
In his arguments, he pointed to an ad in The Honolulu Advertiser on April 9, 1986, as an example of the fraudulent nature of the project.
Mr. Everson said the fraudulent nature of some applications became evident in interviews with applicants.