Because of San Marzano's premium pricing, there is an ongoing battle against fraudulent product.
"If I gave a patient a fraudulent product, I would replace that," he argued.
Typically, the agency tries to block the sale of unproved remedies to protect the patient from fraudulent or unsafe products.
An alert eye, often aided by a magnifying glass, can usually detect the fraudulent product.
These fraudulent products and programs target vulnerable consumers and simply don't work.
These fraudulent products come in all varieties and could include dietary supplements, food items, or products purporting to be drugs, devices or vaccines.
Consumers who believe that they have seen a fraudulent product can report it to the FDA.
During the 1960s FDA wielded a very absolute power and consider Head Start Vitamin to be a fraudulent product.
We have made and will continue to make every effort to protect our airmen from unscrupulous salespeople and fraudulent products.
Selmedica is a major leader of utilizing Internet marketing to sell fraudulent health-related products using deceptive marketing.