This process makes use of the whole plant rather than simply using the kernels as in the production of fuel ethanol.
This new process uses molecular sieves to remove water from fuel ethanol.
There is increasing interest in the use of a blend of 85% fuel ethanol blended with 15% gasoline.
The CO2 derived from the manufacture of beer, wine, spirits, and fuel ethanol does not go to waste.
Blends of 90% unleaded petrol and 10% fuel ethanol are commonly referred to as E10.
The experiments clearly show that water in fuel ethanol inhibits dry corrosion.
The production of fuel ethanol from corn in the United States is controversial for a few reasons.
Thailand is now converting some of the cassava stock held by the government into fuel ethanol.
It is very clear that by increasing the amount of water in fuel ethanol one can reduce the corrosion.
At 2% or 20,000 ppm water in the fuel ethanol the corrosion stopped.