Some of the buttresses have grotesque gargoyles, of full-length human figures, making a singular appearance.
The Indianapolis bronze is a preparatory work for Africa, presented as a bust rather than a full-length figure.
The door features a full-length female figure, seen from behind.
The collection, which might have been designed especially for Mother's Day, also includes pins illustrated with cats, flowers and full-length figures.
Unlike the others, both are full-length figures designed in relation to the wall.
This amount was perfect for a full-length figure of the general.
In the center panel of each was a full-length religious figure.
These were modified by a second artist, who reveals a strong personality of his own, to include groups of full-length figures in the foreground.
These full-length figures of Dutch gentlemen imbue their subjects with a stark dignity and imposing scale.
Close by - too close by, in fact - full-length figures are suspended among clusters of poles.