His crew could learn the fundamental movements of overcoming weightlessness right in the Zero-G chamber.
But we're talking here about fundamental pressures, fundamental movements that no country can insulate itself from.
Even so, the fundamental movement of liquid-to-the-vapor-state is essentially the same.
Still, many see signs of fundamental movement.
The fundamental movement for filling the boxes remains up and right ( ), one step at a time.
The fundamental movement for filling the boxes then becomes diagonally down and right ( ), one step at a time.
The Wolf System is designed to teach a series of fundamental movement and/or performance skills.
Forms also train the practitioner in the fundamental movement and the correct force generation of Wing Chun.
I have since - as called for - added postscripts on the more striking novelties thrown up by the fundamental movement of the times.
Her books are often used and cited as fundamental to the polyamory movement.