Fink further posited that the reaction of American audiences to the portrayal of the Rumor family was partly because it was sociologically accurate.
Gong further posits phonemic vowel length.
He further posits that McWorld could ultimately win the "struggle."
He further posits that the mass extinction occurred within 33,000 years of this date.
Justice Scalia added: "I would posit further that his score has not improved."
Orlando Sentinel further posits, "This Divided State shows the power of the newer, cheaper video documentary in all its glory."
Berger further posited that the Warren Court expanded the authority of the judiciary without constitutional warrant.
The Oracles further posit a barrier between the intellectual and the material realm, personified as Hecate.
The party further posits that such an egalitarian society is impossible within capitalism, which "unleashes domination and hatred".
Enthralled by the complex world of Spaceland, A Square posits further about 4 dimensions and so forth to A Sphere who dismisses it as nonsense.