But the Democrats used her indictment and the general turmoil in the Republican Party to their advantage.
Wearied at heart with anxieties which had their origin in the general turmoil and decay, I succumbed to the fierce fever.
If Arendia and Tolnedra are mobilizing for war, the general turmoil would only hinder us.
Meantime a few clear voices cut through the general turmoil; she heard "True!
The danger that the act would be torpedoed by the general budgetary turmoil in Albany is now receding.
The strangest thing, though unremarked by most in the general turmoil, was the disappearance of the unknown champion only minutes after he had felled the castellan.
Sarissa was sacked during the general turmoil following the reign of Arnuwanda I in the early 14th century.
"I can think of no other ailment that would cause me to miss my menses and send my stomach into general turmoil."
The resignation of Merck's president last week came amid a period of general turmoil for the drug industry.
"We suspect the general turmoil in the news business is contributing to the decrease," the director of the program, James Bettinger, said.