These constructions are generally devoid of any substantial mathematical content, besides some basic arithmetic.
Prostate cancer cells are generally devoid of zinc.
But it is to education what Epcot is to Europe - low-impact, easy to grasp and generally devoid of anything unfamiliar.
The figure is always recumbent, never engaged in any daily activity, and generally devoid of eroticism.
During the week, daytime television is generally devoid of or lacking news programming.
The bikeway is generally devoid of scenery.
It focuses on news and is generally devoid of long features and personality profiles.
Other than the prominent display of the Mayor's name above the stage, the rally was generally devoid of evidence of that other fall sport, politics.
In Europe, the holiday mood was beginning to take control of the press, though it was generally devoid of any spirit of peace or goodwill.
Programming and markup languages are generally devoid of grammatical gender.