Sequencing of subcloned genomic fragments and comparison with the cDNA sequence allowed us to construct an exon map of the NPM3 gene (Figure 1A).
Nucleotide polymorphisms in Abcg5and Abcg8genes Direct sequencing of PCR amplified genomic fragments was performed as described previously [ 11 ] .
A PCR with primers matching the adaptors is then carried out, leading to the specific amplification of genomic fragments flanked by methylated GATCs.
The genomic fragment is inserted into the intron of a 'splicing vector' consisting of a known exon - intron - exon sequence of DNA.
TETRA is a statistical classifier that uses tetranucleotide usage patterns in genomic fragments.
TAR cloning allows to selectively isolate genomic fragments up to 300 kb.
Similar results were obtained during cloning of genomic fragments using the Alu -containing vector pARS-Alu90 (data not shown).
Representational oligotide microarray analysis: This techniques also detects copy number variation using the microarray format, using amplified restriction digested genomic fragments to represent cancerous genomes.
The isochore model was proposed by Bernardi and colleagues to explain the observed non-uniformity of genomic fragments in the genome.
The beads are then removed and the genomic fragments can be sequenced allowing for selective DNA sequencing of genomic regions (e.g., exons) of interest.