The court gave the state only one year to take action.
However, he gave states 18 months to come up with rules of their own.
The result was a pretty good little play, given the state of my skills at the time.
Given the state of the markets, what would he buy?
The Washington brain trust gave states five years to create a test.
Instead of giving the children attention, the report states, the hospital staff tied them down.
The court order gave the state until March 14, 2013 to respond.
That's not such a big claim given the sorry state of public art today.
This would not be an impossible task, given the state of information technology.
He was able to give her not only the time, but the state of the tide at every bridge on the river.
The court gave the state only one year to take action.
The result was a pretty good little play, given the state of my skills at the time.
However, he gave states 18 months to come up with rules of their own.
Given the state of the markets, what would he buy?
The court order gave the state until March 14, 2013 to respond.
The Washington brain trust gave states five years to create a test.
Instead of giving the children attention, the report states, the hospital staff tied them down.
That's not such a big claim given the sorry state of public art today.
This would not be an impossible task, given the state of information technology.
He was able to give her not only the time, but the state of the tide at every bridge on the river.