The quality of the resulting tone depends on whether the final speed is brought about by gradual or sudden movement of the key.
In recent years there has been a gradual movement towards more commercial means of spaceflight.
He had to force gradual movement into his limbs, usually starting with a hand or a foot.
They also see a gradual movement toward more open government and greater democracy.
In Western handwriting, horizontal progression is the gradual movement from left to right during writing a line of text.
This would demonstrate the gradual movement away from the household as a centre of production.
Objects can undergo both rapid, high frequency movement and slow, gradual movement.
Anything other than slow, gradual movement may do more harm than good.
She began to turn toward me-a long, gradual movement as if I were seeing her on film in slow motion.
There was a gradual movement towards the door and Patrick allowed himself to be carried with it.