As the great hoard far under the sand came to fruition, expanding in an explosion of melange, Shaitan had come.
Nor have I saved the life of the President or found a great hoard of Inca gold at the end of an underground river.
They spent nearly an hour combing through the great hoard before carrying on with their tour.
"Have you heard about the great hoard of money that's turned up at Copse Forge?"
To have a great hoard of it was somehow to be rich.
"She says there is a great hoard of melange beneath Your Citadel, Lord, and the charts will reveal it."
From that the talk turned to the great hoard itself and to the things that Thorin and Balin remembered.
In Gilmarg there was a great hoard of fire jewels.
How such a great hoard had originally been gathered, and by whom, was more than Hal could guess.
"Who took this great hoard from you?"