He was standing on a windy green hillside, self-conscious in front of the camera, smiling sadly a long time ago.
The houses thinned out as they rose to the green hillside where Cal had awakened.
He looked away at the green hillside, and then back at the girl.
The test site was on the shoulder of a green hillside that sloped down into the warm Caribbean.
And in my dream she walked with me upon the green hillsides of my youth.
The blue-gray engine lay half buried in a green hillside.
Over the three night run, approximately 500 total students, faculty, alumni, families, and friends sat on the green hillside and watched the play.
Derae was running on a green hillside, her eyes wide with fear.
She looked out at the lush green wooded hillsides which rose up ahead.
In the same instant, the green hillside before me dimmed and disappeared from sight.