They had grown older and shabbier in company.
Now he saw that they were frail humans like himself, struggling to do their best in a world growing shabbier.
On the ridge the manor had grown perceptibly shabbier as though its age was being accelerated by neglect.
Gradually the cabins grew sparser and shabbier; some were bereft even of their names, or bore signs with the words and crude bright illustrations worn away.
The carnival still looked independent too, though in the past year it had grown even shabbier than Ben remembered it.
We're to live our lives amongst strangers, drifting from post to post, growing a little shabbier and more disheartened every year.
The street along which they walked grew progressively shabbier, and they soon entered a maze of interconnecting lanes and unpaved alleys.
Was it age or depression, or had the vista actually grown shabbier and dirtier over the past twenty-five years?
The street down which they rode grew shabbier and shabbier.
But Boom and its brickyards grew smokier and shabbier with every minute; until a great church with a clock, and a wooden bridge over the river, indicated the central quarters of the town.