We would like them to pour a steady stream of hard-earned cash into our economy without bothering us too much in the process.
Fortunately, there are plenty of options to choose from when using the Internet to part with your hard-earned cash.
Yet, how many of us plunk down our hard-earned cash twice a week trying to beat those odds?
Imagine a world where politicians charged you for the privilege of lending them your hard-earned cash.
That suggests many consumers are looking beyond conventional holiday retailers as they parcel out their hard-earned cash.
If they were dumb enough to hand over their hard-earned cash, that was their problem.
The mostly young, single, male population spent their hard-earned cash on Allen Street, the major commercial center, open 24 hours a day.
Behind him, another fifty bucks of his hard-earned cash dropped into a little round hole.
You can wait one more year before spending your hard-earned cash on brand-new equipment that will just get old in a few years anyway.
Our main job is to get you maximum purchase power for your hard-earned cash.