Prepaying allows people to make a decision when they are clear-headed and helps prevent them from falling prey to hard-sell tactics by funeral homes.
Some of these Medicare Advantage plans have been caught using hard-sell tactics to pressure elderly Americans into signing up for policies that may leave them worse off than they would be with traditional Medicare coverage.
SureStyle Windows, which has called in the receivers, hit the headlines after revelations about the hard-sell tactics of its NorthEast sales staff.
Along the way, Bear Stearns provided clearing services to a number of small brokerage firms that came under intense scrutiny by securities regulators for their hard-sell tactics peddling obscure stocks to unsuspecting individual investors.
Scammers typically cold-call people and use hard-sell tactics to sell shares in UK or overseas based companies that prove to be worthless.
Adrian Bailey has a gentle, understated way with a ballad that can be a relief from the more hard-sell tactics at which Ms. Crosby excels.
Many state insurance commissioners say some insurers have used improper hard-sell tactics to persuade Medicare recipients to sign up for private health plans.
They say they do not oppose breast-feeding, just the hard-sell tactics.
Many dealers combine the hard-sell tactics of both new and used vehicles when hawking certified vehicles.
Wherever he may find himself, though, Father Fitzpatrick does not use the hard-sell tactics of a traveling salesman, but prefers the easy-listening strategies of a regular guy from down the block.