There were ten seats at the counter, but I sat down on the one next to the hatless man.
The side walks, too, were littered with men and women, hatless and bonnetless, who had rushed out of the houses.
A hatless man in a dark sweater and trousers doing such a thing would be ordered to stop.
He was a young man, hatless, his long hair mussed from the wind.
Then a tall, hatless and coatless man stepped up in plain sight.
An older man, hatless in the bitter cold, stood in the shadow of an abandoned schoolhouse's steps.
The men stopped and in the twilight peered curiously at this hatless man, half-covered with snow.
A strange man, hatless and disheveled, pushed himself to his feet.
Then I looked the hatless man over.
The next night, when the hatless man strolled into the lounge, it was decorated in 200 straw hats.