During the journey, the train was not allowed to be subject to any impacts or heavy swaying movements.
What was clearly the sound of heavy vehicular movement announced that the Germans were bringing in reinforcements.
A moment after the man made a heavy movement forward, as if to recover his tool; but the doctor put a hand on his arm.
A heavy movement near the grill caught Willow's attention.
Though the fur-covered skin glistened slightly, it was not the sweat of heavy movement.
De Bode was asked to keep a constant watch for any sign of heavy German movement from the north and east.
Quentin heard the heavy movement in the still, dead air.
He poked food into an already full mouth and masticated slowly with heavy movements of his powerful jaw.
Then came again the heavy movement and breath that had first so harrowed the Professor.
They saw de Breos raise an arm with a slow, heavy movement, and lay it over his face.