Another road that was proposed to give the homeowners relief, called a "paper road" or "mapped road" by highway planners, remained just that.
But highway planners are trying to change that.
The Victorian government were advised by American highway planners and it sent its road engineers to the US.
Regular roadwork may also be pork, but at least it is screened by highway planners.
During the 1990s, highway planners modified the plans.
But often, their ire is directed at the next lane, not the highway planners.
Politically sensitive highway planners don't even use the T-word - they call it "value pricing."
However, highway planners were able to choose an alignment that minimizes takings through these communities, and their respective governments have dropped any formal opposition.
In Kaushambi, the highway planners put concrete walls on both sides to ensure that neither crossing pedestrians nor trucks stopping to shop would slow traffic.
The highway planners who were, in his view, destroying the American landscape at that time were described as 'highwaymen'.