The city has asked the federal government for $77 million to hire 560 officers over five years.
President Clinton's popular program for hiring more police officers also got a cut of $145 million.
He said the city would be better off spending the money to hire new police officers.
This could free city money to hire officers for the main police force.
Hiring 5,000 officers would cost $60,000 each, or $300 million.
On March 11, 2013 the city hired seven police officers, raising its staff to 124 people.
What town would turn down a $375,000 Federal grant to hire five new police officers?
The Senate bill calls for total spending of $22 billion and hiring 100,000 new police officers.
Using 25% of new revenue to hire at least 500 more police officers.
The city plans to hire 85 police officers in the next three years to increase community law enforcement.