Surely he was Tragedy personified, and that hoary head of his was crowned with ineffable and unrepented crime.
The old problem of the physical nature of UFOs raises its hoary head again in relation to these reports.
A loss of about $140,000 dutifully raised its hoary head, and my German was fired.
The Rebbe dismissed me that day, lowering his hoary old head with weariness.
It fell from his hands and he went down on his knees, blubbering, bowing his hoary head.
Great trees, bare and silent, stood, rank on rank, with tangled bough and hoary head; their twisted roots were buried in the long green grass.
A glancing bullet cut a furrow in Blaisdell's hoary head, making a painful, though not serious wound.
So he spoke from on high, shaking his clenched fists above his hoary head, and was gone.
'Reg Ditchling,' repeated Mr Biggleswade, nodding his hoary head mysteriously.
While peas his hoary head around They whistled pleasantly.