It inhibits the growth of new brain cells through the release of the hormone cortisol.
A higher than normal amount of the hormone cortisol may be a sign of a pituitary tumor.
What if the patient were in a physiologic crisis after this operation because he lacked an essential hormone: cortisol?
Stress may trigger a seizure because it affects the hormone cortisol.
Large amounts of the hormone cortisol in the blood (Cushing's syndrome).
March 30, 2006 - The hormone cortisol may help defuse phobias, new research shows.
It happens when there is too much of the hormone cortisol in your body.
When the baby is greatly distressed, the hormone cortisol is released.
A cortisol test is done to measure the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood.
The researchers also tested all participants for levels of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress and the so-called "fight or flight" response.