This hormone promotes the release of dopamine, which is a key neurotransmitter for enhancing sexual desire.
The hormone lowers LDL cholesterol, but promotes clotting, a leading factor in heart attacks and strokes.
These hormones promote specific gene expression.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) promotes normal development and activity of the thyroid gland.
Others studying the same data believe the hormones promote a hypervigilant state that can make some women irritable.
The hormone also promoted a healthful loss of body fat, especially belly fat, which raises the risk of heart disease.
These hormones also promote increased secretion of osteoprotegerin.
Finally, female hormones promote the storage of calories as fat, and fat takes up more space than muscle.
Certain hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, promote the growth of some cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers.
Luteinizing hormone promotes the production of testosterone.