On command they would raise their sarissas in an attack position, causing the horses to lurch to a halt.
The horse lurched forward; the fast beat of its hoofs ringing in the cavern.
He lashed the reins across his mount's shoulders and the horse lurched away.
When Ned's horse lurched back to its feet, he tried to rise, only to fall again, choking on his scream.
He kicked once and the horse lurched into a walk.
The horse lurched, pitched half down, then went over in a thrashing of hoofs.
Its fear blanketed along with its blinded eyes, the horse lurched forward.
The horse lurched forward, pulling the reins from Waylander's hand.
He drew on his will, preparing to translocate himself to the south beach, but the horse wheeled, took two steps, and lurched again.
The horses tossed their heads in the keen, cold air, and forward lurched the clumsy diligence.