Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Just looking at her brought the hotness to his blood.
How would you set up a hotness scale for peppers?
I could feel the hotness coming from between them.
I just think there needs to be more reality and hotness to it all."
And so there are times when he sacrifices a little hotness to linger.
It went into the Hotness, they say, and never returned."
The village is a region of extreme hotness and low humidity.
In time, he had felt the hotness of her tears crossing his lips.
In some cases, the hotness lasted a long time.
I didn't even feel the hotness building up behind my eyeballs.
It is responsible for the sense of hotness found in chile peppers.
I feel the hotness of your breath on my neck, quick and uneven.
He could feel her hotness and wetness under the fabric.
It was strange, in that raging cold, to feel the hotness of tears.
They require the catalytic action of water to release hotness.
He moved down her body and sucked a nipple into the hotness of his mouth.
"There was a real emotion in the audience - a hotness.
After each take, a woman on the crew whoops "Hotness!"
It was the same smell as the meat left after the brightness and hotness had passed.
Students, she said, can get fixated on "the hotness factor, of the next hot thing."
He strove to contain the shimmering hotness in his eyes.
Hotness implies something is popular, but that doesn't necessarily make it cool.
New hotness: Entire episodes of television shows streamed directly to your computer.
And then, through the misted screen, the door began to shine with the light of its own hotness.
They had managed, for a weekend, to rebel against the American obsession with fitness and hotness.