The creature didn't have a humanoid face that he could guess at reading.
If 0 still had a humanoid face, that is.
After the vortex subsides, a large humanoid face is exposed within the mountain.
Some had more humanoid faces than others, and one had an open mouth inside which teeth were visible.
He is an ancient, exceptionally large tree, with a humanoid face and big mustache.
Worm resembles a huge serpent with a humanoid face, arms, and hands.
Looking up, he saw the massive humanoid face looming above him, the great golden eyes gazing down into his own.
In her dream, shortly before she had begun feeling premonitions of disaster, the long, vaguely humanoid face.
It has now become an amphibious creature, with its humanoid face and a frog's body.
She looked at its face for a moment, a face not at all humanoid but distinctly expressive.