It concerned an idealistic young doctor, Stephen Daker (Peter Davison), taking up a post as a member of a university medical centre.
A drama, directed by Pablo Trapero, about an Argentinean personal-injury lawyer who begins a relationship with an idealistic doctor.
Lewis continued his success in the 1920s with Arrowsmith (1925), a novel about the challenges faced by an idealistic doctor.
Casting Rob Lowe as an idealistic doctor who hangs his shingle in a casino comes very close.
Perhaps I am just a young, idealistic doctor, discovering how the conversion of health care into a corporate business is rotting away my profession's ethical core.
After years of ruling the mini-series, Richard Chamberlain returns to weekly television as an idealistic doctor at a hospital in Hawaii.
The National Health Service Corps has been sending committed and idealistic urban-trained poor peoples' doctors to rural areas for years.
It was an experimental show, now rarely remembered or revived, about an idealistic doctor who gets distracted by success.
Meanwhile, an idealistic young doctor, Tertius Lydgate, has arrived in Middlemarch, with advanced ideas for medical reform.
The passenger is Alec Harvey (Howard), an idealistic doctor who also works one day a week as a consultant at the local hospital.