We had vague, idealistic dreams of obtaining strength and prosperity for our Georgian homeland.
Once again we start dreaming - idealistic dreams, tethered to the expectations we have of ourselves and our students.
Ira was an intellectual young woman that shared Gie's idealistic dreams and fighter's spirit.
"But there are idealistic dreams," he said, "and then there's reality."
He still longed to see Chloe, but it was not the idealistic dream he had imagined.
But then, in the midst of this idealistic dream, the Jews intrude.
Yet, Willie holds on to one idealistic dream: He refuses to let his hospital be tainted by political wheeling and dealing.
To him, at present, Juliette represented the perfect embodiment of his most idealistic dreams.
I know, I'll go crawl back into bed and dream my idealistic dreams.
In the long run, it is hard to see why de Klerk's rather similar and equally idealistic dream should fare any better than Gorbachev's.