Candide, the idealistic hero, can think of no solution but to die fighting.
A novel whose idealistic hero lives mostly in his head, daydreaming about seizing power or bringing peace to Israel, while barely able to cope with his own life.
This novel's idealistic hero takes a teaching job in a poor Southeast Asian village threatened by rebels.
Cronin's works examine moral conflicts between the individual and society as his idealistic heroes pursue justice for the common man.
Similarly, Hennig developed Raziel as a "self-righteous little twit" with villainy, seeking redemption and transcendence through knowledge, in contrast to an idealistic hero.
Almost 50 years ago, James Stewart, as the idealistic hero of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," came to the capital to battle corruption.
He has chosen to present what must be an intensely personal subject through the perspective of his novel's idealistic young hero, Dr. Andy Zorn.
Tancred, Lord Montacute, the novel's idealistic young hero, seems destined to live the life of any conventional member of the British ruling class.
The idealistic hero, Oliver Single, is the junior partner in a London investment house that used to launder dirty money for members of the old Politburo.
Several films used labor troubles as their setting, with an idealistic American hero and heroine struggling to outwit manipulative left-wing agitators.