By 1980 there were around 200 families that identified themselves as Azerbaijani in the United States, with about 80% of them being endogamic.
Their work, he says, had identified the men as likely members of a Qaeda cell already in the United States.
As of this date, H5N1 has not been identified among animals or humans in the United States.
About 60 shell rings had been identified in the southeastern United States by 2002.
It has not identified further acquisition targets in the United States.
It is an important case for Stop and Identify statutes in the United States.
A list based on a variety of resources claims to identify the "ten most popular journalism schools in the United States".
If only one potential terrorist were identified out of the thousands of innocent foreign students in the United States, it would be more than worthwhile.
Approximately 2,000-4,000 cases are identified in the United States each year.
To date, eight possible witch bottles have been identified in the United States.