But by bringing together seven idiosyncratic figures who rarely bump shoulders in the same gallery, it suggests the versatility of fiber-based work.
Thomson considered Picasso to design the sets and costumes before ultimately settling on Florine Stettheimer - an idiosyncratic and oddly likable figure but, again, decidedly second-rate.
A co-founder of Brooklyn's M-Base collective, which promoted a melange of jazz and hip-hop throughout the 1980's, Mr. Coleman is arguably its most idiosyncratic figure.
In a review on literary blog HTML Giant, Stephen Tully Dierks called the film "an interesting document of an idiosyncratic figure."
The weakness in relying on Newton's own words is that it funnels the storytelling through the perspective of an idiosyncratic figure from recent history with whom many in the audience may not be intimately familiar.
You don't get the sense of diverse idiosyncratic figures chafing against one another, which still comes across in the 1962 film version.
Mutual Admiration They are two of Hollywood's more idiosyncratic figures.
Martínez, who signed with the Dodgers in 1988 for $5,000, cuts an idiosyncratic figure in the locker room.
Consisting of 31 black-and-white images dating from 1932 to 1988, the show pays tribute to the long career of Aaron Siskind, one of the most idiosyncratic and underappreciated figures in 20th-century photography.
His sweeping gestures, idiosyncratic figures and bravado scale project his personality in such a way that we perceive him more and the possibilities of painting more than his content.