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She grilled me all through it with the incisiveness of a district attorney.
Still not enough incisiveness in the final third, though.
However he was noted for the accuracy and incisiveness of his combinations.
Yet for all the relentless energy, the playing lacked precision and incisiveness.
Any lack of incisiveness was made up for by rich sound and restless sweep.
There was an incisiveness to the mouth that promised sharpness.
This is not to say his performance lacked incisiveness.
It needs a conductor who can bring incisiveness, balance and clarity to the task.
But clarity and incisiveness would have been better served in a book half the length on just one of these themes.
That said, her singing lacks incisiveness and can be somewhat bland.
This mixture would work better if an overall mood emerged more clearly, but the incisiveness comes and goes.
I am always urging the virtues of incisiveness upon my colleagues."
Little, however came of Stein's protests, though they were urged with his usual incisiveness and energy.
The resulting performance lacked a certain degree of incisiveness.
After a quarter century on the street, she had come to know her neighbors all too well, describing them with stinging incisiveness.
His style was broad and comprehensive, yet his playing had a certain incisiveness.
Yet, too often the performance, which sounded under-rehearsed, simply lacked edge and incisiveness.
She was a woman of unconceivable vision, incisiveness and purpose.
It lacked a degree of rhythmic incisiveness, and sometimes entrances were unclear.
Incisiveness is the missing ingredient in the two other installations as well, although they are formally more assured.
This is not to say the performances lacked vitality, rhythmic incisiveness or imagination.
Still, she values elegance over incisiveness and subtlety over surprise.
What Veress did not inherit from his teacher, though, was incisiveness.
The impressive playing of the Philharmonic lacked only a last degree of incisiveness and control.
Lissa hated the cold incisiveness of his tone, and she was angry with herself for caring so much.