An inflated three-digit figure for one night, maybe 12 hours, in a nice - nice, but not wonderful - hotel?
He's listed at 5 feet 10, 174 pounds, but to the naked eye those seem inflated figures, perhaps a psychological weapon.
First it took a tiny sample of German soldiers and assumed from that a hugely inflated figure.
Arrian gives an inflated figure of 20,000 to these troops.
Baylor said his goal is to slice a whole run from that inflated figure.
The owner said it was not for sale but threw out a wildly inflated figure when the man persisted.
A contemporary document claims that William had 726 ships, but this may be an inflated figure.
The inflated figure had prompted speculation that a large amount of coffee might be delivered against the March contract.
Opposition leaders said such inflated figures were yet another step in a slide back toward one-party rule.
Nevertheless, obviously inflated figures continue to be repeated.