That way, it may be possible to determine more accurately how the advertising influences consumers.
It is hoped that this information will influence consumers when buying financial products.
It deliberately exploited a weak spot in today's court of public opinion: how bloggers influence consumers, but generally don't have conflict-of-interest policies.
It covers the conflict between animal rights advocates and the meat industry, and their respective attempts to influence consumers.
There is some evidence that criticism is influencing consumers.
American business spends $200 billion a year on advertising to influence consumers.
Entertainment companies are likely to face a long, slow grind in influencing consumers to alter their habits.
That is a big shortcoming in a world where many products have more than 100 distinguishable features that might influence consumers, Professor Dahan said.
SMM is a type of marketing that involves exploiting social media to influence consumers that one company's products and/or services are valuable.
I have my doubts about whether publishing consumption and exhaust gas figures will really influence consumers in their purchasing decisions.