Horton Investments was paid US$ 15.2 million by Statoil to influence important political figures in Iran to grant oil contracts to Statoil.
The first example of melodrama, Pygmalion influenced Goethe and other important German literary figures.
The Vietnamese emperors also gave this title to their ancestors who were lords or influence figures in the previous dynasty like the Chinese emperors.
Within a century after his death, his ideas began to penetrate the West, where they influenced cultural figures from Chaucer to Samuel Johnson.
In the fifth season, Campbell is seen to influence and intimidate several key figures in politics and the police department.
Executives from Bell Pottinger were secretly recorded claiming to be able to influence David Cameron and other senior figures directly on behalf of private sector clients.
Although Lull's work was approved at Paris in 1310 and was to influence later figures like Nicholas of Cu$a, clerical intellectuals were reserved about his work.
He received a classical education at the Petites écoles de Port-Royal, a religious institution which would greatly influence other contemporary figures including Blaise Pascal.
He influenced such figures as James Gustafson, Stanley Hauerwas, Gordon Kaufman.
Dampier influenced several figures better known than him: