The remaining inmates, anywhere from 1,200 to 1,500 prisoners, include hard-line members of Shining Path.
The inmates included common criminals, people who refused to work and possibly some members of the Communist Party.
The inmates included a number of American families and women.
Other inmates include an arsonist patient and 'The Champ', a man who attacks anyone put into a room with him.
The inmates include at least 200 Islamic militants who were arrested for trying to oust the Government.
The inmates included political prisoners, clergy, kulaks, Boy Scouts leaders and many other groups of people that were considered enemies of the state.
Its 2,400 inmates include many murderers.
Former inmates include one V Havel, who went on to become the country's president (his basement cell can still be visited).
Scattered reports came from opposition members and their supporters in Europe that the slain inmates included important leaders of the Islamic movement.
Its inmates also included Jews deported from other locations in Europe.