Getting the inmates to stay with the program was the first challenge, Ms. Graney said.
On average, inmates stay in the system 2.4 years for each conviction, at a cost of $16,800 a year to the taxpayer.
Harder-core inmates, many with drug abuse or mental health problems, are staying in jails longer, often because state and Federal prisons are crowded.
They say the smartest thing the governor could do to combat crime would be to help inmates stay in touch with family and friends.
(According to them, the asylum's walls are meant to keep the *real* mad people *outside*, while the inmates stay inside and safe.)
During his prison stays Magaš would quickly establish himself as a leader among the prison pack, regularly harassing, abusing, and humiliating other inmates.
Last inmates of the Łomża Ghetto stayed in the Zambrow barracks until 14 to 18 January 1943, when they were sent to Auschwitz.
A new way of punishment is installed at Emerald City, a cage where the inmate must stay in the middle of Emerald City.
The windows were big enough to satisfy court-mandated quality-of-incarceration living standards, and small enough to make certain the inmates stayed there to enjoy it.
Mr. Borelli had removed an air-conditioner from a wall in a room where he and several other inmates were staying.