To help integrate Arabs and Muslims into French society, the center-right government has embarked on an ambitious project to create an official Islam for France.
This week, Ms. Hasanvasic, 17, completed her second year in a high school that integrates Muslims, Serbs and Croats - children of the groups that fought so bitterly over the right to live apart.
For that reason he has called for a plan of affirmative action to help integrate Muslims into French society, a highly controversial idea in a country that officially does not identify its citizens according to race, religion or ethnicity.
But many Dutch now say that for years that the tradition of tolerance had suppressed an open debate about the challenges of integrating conservative Muslims.
Yet he also emphasized the need for integrating Muslims into larger society and tolerance for their faith.
This is a satanic plan where elections are attempts to integrate Muslims.
For example, one issue, democracy, is "a satanic plan where elections are attempts to integrate Muslims," according to the group.
The struggle over Islam's place is not seen as a question of whether to integrate Muslims into society, but whether the country itself can remain whole.
A further distinction was the attempt of the Mughals to integrate Hindus and Muslims into a united Indian state.
That means the huge problem of integrating Muslims into French society is being argued on a much smaller scale, over issues like whether bandannas and beards are religious symbols and when a cross is too big.