In the 2000s, the Nickelodeon series, Danny Phantom, earned its own appreciative following with its intelligent humor and appealing character story arc narrative structure.
Wry, intelligent humour is also often prevalent.
At this moment he looked like a charred scarecrow, but the tired red eyes were intelligent and even now held humour; and the man was highly sensitive.
It could be very visual for kids, but have intelligent humor for adults.
Black Keys is hilarious and intelligent humor.
The letters were amusing, the cadence of the language attractive, almost like hearing Nan's voice, that self-deprecating wit, that dry, intelligent humor.
Friday night's performance, in its taste and care, in its lack of pretense and its intelligent humor, was everything Falstaff is not.
Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny.
Rapid-fire, intelligent humor (both audio and visual).
Teach them something about real, intelligent humor, take their money and go.