With a coldly intentional movement, he kicked the telephone instrument and sent it rolling into a ditch: the violence of the noise shattered the vacuum.
Ventilation is the intentional movement of air from outside a building to the inside.
Sleep, complete relaxation, and intentional movement or action usually reduce or stop the tremor.
Water transportation is the intentional movement of water over large distances.
Usually intentional movement of the involved muscle causes the fasciculations to cease immediately, but they may return once the muscle is at rest again.
He sat on the edge of his bunk, his movements so loose-jointed and weak that it seemed more a collapse than any intentional movement.
This child suffered from Leigh's disease, a uniformly fatal, progressive illness which eventually destroys all nerve function and thereby prevents breathing, swallowing, coughing, or any intentional or reflex movement.
The basal ganglia is a set of subcortical structures that directs intentional movements.
Dystonia is hyperkinetic movement disorder that is characterized by involuntary movement and the slowing of intentional movement.
Therefore, it is not case of intentional movement of an organism into a part of its native range," the application stated.