Perrier invited consumers to nominate the restaurant they believed deserved the title of Best Restaurant of the Year in late 1990.
A working party in Ayrshire and Arran recently invited consumers to meetings and commissioned a survey on consumer views.
It invited consumers to "Come Alive!
THE seductive palette of makeup testers at cosmetics counters has long invited consumers to experiment with beauty products before buying them.
Martha Stewart Everyday will start to run a television commercial today inviting consumers to join Ms. Stewart's "space program."
There Inc., a four-year-old company based in Menlo Park, Calif., is now inviting consumers to register for a public test of the product by going to
During the 2008 season, Busch announced the "Kyle's Miles" program, inviting consumers to go to
Working with the panel, the organization's staff will publish guidelines online, then invite consumers and industry leaders to comment.
Now the company, the nation's largest specialty clothing retailer, is ready to invite consumers back inside.
They suggest that a successful marketspace will have to invite consumers into a communal experience and let them meet people as well as buy products.