The ship ahead, the only other one that Dyrsse can see, explodes in a wall of flame, and iron fragments spray into the towering waves.
It was made to bore down through reasonably soft dirt, not a pile of trash that included lots of iron fragments.
Some cast iron fragments have been incorporated in the fabric of the block of buildings now occupying the site of the churchyard.
Heaps of scrap metal, iron fragments, and rusty lumps of metal lay to the left of the open front.
The second rocket flared straight toward the Iron Guard, then twisted upward, exploding in a shower of iron fragments and flame.
It launches 4 feet (1.2 meters) into the air and detonates, spraying high-velocity iron fragments in all directions.
Dozens of other iron fragments were discovered but have not yet been identified.
The second diagram showed tiny black squares, which represented end-on views of iron fragments.
The presence of iron fragments at the site also pointed to a meteorite impact, as there are no iron deposits in the region.
The masses were surrounded by a large number of small iron fragments.